
technology blog

Tuesday, 18 December 2007

Software Update Rant

Dear "software updater" software programmer,
  • Please don't "update" software that I haven't installed yet.
  • Please don't reinstall quicklaunch icons that I deliberately removed.
  • Please stop asking me to update, simply update. I don't care if I have the "Latest and greatest version", I just want to have my software work. Don't tell me to visit a web site to update it, I won't. (Actually I do but shhh!)
  • Please stop installing "[Insert name here] Speed Launcher", "[Insert name here] Task" or "[insert name here]UpdateSched" autoloading crap in my startup menu or even worst, in the registry; to be sure to increase the commit charge (total memory usage) of my system. A program can easily look at updating itself when it is actually started. If it is never started, I don't mind it to be never updated.
  • Please don't write updater that fails. (It happens on my system, no names here) I'm not even talking about bad software, simply bad updaters. If you're too dumb replace some files, get another job.
  • No, I won't reboot my system to install a media player. The next time I'll reboot will probably be because of a corporate enforced software BSOD'ing my system.
I know doing an installer is hard. I know the amount of work is high. Then, why don't you just do less during updates?

Here's a few examples:

#1 Apple Software "Update"

They should have called it "Apple installer". Yes I have Safari Beta and QuickTime installed. No I don't have iTunes nor I want that "update" installed on my computer.

Apple folks, please, look to see if the software is actually installed before "updating" it.

Also, Apple folks, don't add back the quicklaunch icons on updates. If I removed them, I probably don't want them back. This also applies to Acrobat Reader updates and Office 2003 service packs.

Auto start crap. Sun's Java and QuickTime are notorious to add their entries back in the registry on each update. Stop doing that!

Monday, 10 December 2007

Detect if building with Visual Studio 2005 RTM or SP1

#include "windows.h"
extern char VisualStudio2005ServicePack1Detection[10];
C_ASSERT(sizeof(&VisualStudio2005ServicePack1Detection) == 4);

On VS2005 RTM, sizeof(&VisualStudio2005ServicePack1Detection) == 10.

Wednesday, 5 September 2007

DTE.Debugger is not reentrant

Disclaimer: blogspot is really bad at including code.
I tried to make an auto-debug-child processes in VB.NET in VS2005.

First define the breakpoint,
Function SetBreakPoint(ByVal Symbol As String, ByVal Offset As Integer) As EnvDTE.Breakpoints
Dim x As String = DTE.Debugger.GetExpression(Symbol).Value
' Poor's man calculation in VB...
Dim y As String = "0x" + Hex(CULng("&H" + x.Substring(2)) + Offset)
SetBreakPoint = DTE.Debugger.Breakpoints.Add(y)
End Function

Sub SetAutoDebugChildren()
' Set a breakpoint on function return.
Const offset As Integer = 44
SetBreakPoint("{,,kernel32.dll}_CreateProcessA@40", offset)
SetBreakPoint("{,,kernel32.dll}_CreateProcessW@40", offset)
End Sub

Ok, but I haven't found any programmatic way to set the "When Hit..." flag. So I added them manually after. So right click on the breakpoint, "When Hit..." run a macro and continue execution.

I set the macro to something like this:
Sub AttachToProcesses(ByVal process_name As String)
For Each process As EnvDTE.Process In DTE.Debugger.LocalProcesses
If (process.Name.IndexOf(process_name) <> -1) Then
End If
End Sub

Sub AttachMyExe()
End Sub

So everything seems nice. The problem is that at the process.Attach() line, I was granted with a nice message box:
A macro called a debugger action which is not allowed while responding to an event or while being run because a breakpoint was hit.

Humm OK. If anyone has a solution beside using WinDbg, please comment.

Tuesday, 4 September 2007

How to wipe free space (note to myself)

cipher /w:c

That works on XP and Vista.

Tuesday, 7 August 2007

Save the earth, kill your AV

Can you imagine how much power would be saved if everyone would uninstall their AV? My personal computers have been running AV-virgin for more than a decade now without an itch. What a relief!

Friday, 20 July 2007

Logitech dinovo edge pairing?

I tried to pair a Logitech dinovo edge with a Dell axim x51v with no luck. In fact, they paired correctly but nothing that I type in gets to the x51. That's pretty sad since the x51v is discontinued, it will never work. If anyone got both to work together, please contact me.

I got it to work with my lenovo T60, I had a hard time though. It seems like you have to type the numbers and press enter FAST, otherwise you won't hear the congratulation beep.
The included dongle works well too. It's just not as useful for portable devices. :)

The upper right Windows key starts Winamp, that's nice. :) The missing "application" (or if you prefer "context menu") key is really bothersome.

[Update 2007-07-26] To pair with the WIDCOMM Bluetooth stack, I had to update to version (For my W2K3 x64). Before the upgrade, I entered the keypass and nothing happened. On Vista, I installed the driver and I had no problem. To update the stack, you have to have a device that the manufacturer paid for support. That's pretty sad, given the poor support you have with Windows.

Hint: To backup your driver, look in your %TEMP% directory for a directory created at the moment your started the updater, during installation. Copy it in a safe place just in case and/or for analysis.

Tuesday, 3 July 2007

Free build

For people that wants to build VS2005 projects, Microsoft gave an alternative. It's the Microsoft Windows SDK for Vista. It installs on Windows XP too. You simply start the CMD Shell and type vcbuild to build the solution. It almost works all the time!

Update (2007-07-19): I didn't realize that Microsoft released the Windows SDK Update for Windows Vista which now includes the VS2005 SP1 compiler!

That's great (old) news.

Tuesday, 19 June 2007

HowTo recompress SD800 videos

MJPEG is overkill. It's no doubt. PCM 8 bit 11khz sound is too large too (even if it just sounds bad). So let's recode it.

After lot of trial and failure (no, I don't want to rip my DVDs, only transcode my legal stuff...), I found a good setup:

Using MediaCoder
Use this configuration file. It use xvid for video at 90% quality setting, in AVI container, and reduces noise with a "High quality 3D" noise filter. Well, from what I've looked at, it works. The sound is converted to MP3 so my dvd player will be able to the file (it plays xvid files).

Keywords: 8bit sd600 sd700 Canon transcode transcoding

Monday, 21 May 2007

Myth: Elevated process only create elevated child processes on Vista

I don't know why, but it seems like many developers thinks that an elevated process can only create an elevated child process. So here's how: (1)

#include <sddl.h>

void CreateLowProcess()
BOOL bRet;
HANDLE hToken;
HANDLE hNewToken;

// Notepad is used as an example
WCHAR wszProcessName[MAX_PATH] = L"C:\\Windows\\Notepad.exe";

// Low integrity SID: 0x1000 = 4096. To use Medium integrity, use 0x2000 = 8192
WCHAR wszIntegritySid[20] = L"S-1-16-4096";
PSID pIntegritySid = NULL;

STARTUPINFO StartupInfo = {0};
ULONG ExitCode = 0;

if (OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess(), MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, &hToken))
if (DuplicateTokenEx(hToken, MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, NULL, SecurityImpersonation, TokenPrimary, &hNewToken))
if (ConvertStringSidToSid(wszIntegritySid, &pIntegritySid))
TIL.Label.Attributes = SE_GROUP_INTEGRITY;
TIL.Label.Sid = pIntegritySid;

// Set the process integrity level
if (SetTokenInformation(hNewToken, TokenIntegrityLevel, &TIL, sizeof(TOKEN_MANDATORY_LABEL) + GetLengthSid(pIntegritySid)))
// Create the new process at Low integrity
bRet = CreateProcessAsUser(hNewToken, NULL, wszProcessName, NULL, NULL, FALSE, 0, NULL, NULL, &StartupInfo, &ProcInfo);



The code that duplicate the token can easily be skipped on pre-Vista computer.

#1 Understanding and Working in Protected Mode Internet Explorer

Thursday, 26 April 2007

Random Rant about Canon (again)

I wanted to scan some documents in MP Navigator 3.0 and generate a PDF. I typed a longer than usual name for the file name. Here's the message box I received:

MP Navigator
Le nom de fichier est trop long.La longueur maximale est de 32 caractères d’un octet.

It roughly means: « The file name is too long. The maximum length is 32 characters of one byte. » (!?!)

Hummm welcome in 2007!

And I still haven't talked about my problem with the intelligent chipset on the color inkjet cartridge that stops working and that force you to buy a new cartridge even if yours is still almost full!

And forget about Canon's support. I tried. The only thing I received from them is *2* surveys to know if I'd buy Canon branded hardware again.

How to make MP Navigator 3.0 work with a MP800 on a x64 OS

Well, sometime it worked, sometime not. I found the solution on a forum. (sorry no reference) The fix is really simple. Add « C:\WINDOWS\twain_32\MP800 » to your %PATH% environment variable. That fixed the problem for MP Navigator 2 and 3 instantantly.

Keywords: W2K3, XP, Windows Server 2003, Vista

Wednesday, 11 April 2007


It means "Advanced Local Procedure Call". It seems like a light-weight RPC or if you prefer a heavy-weight LPC.

You won't find a lot of documentation on this one. Mark quickly refered to it in Inside the Windows Vista Kernel: Part 3. Microsoft has been granted a patent which infers to look for UMDF documentation. (I have to admit I still haven't read it) But the WDK is silent about this subject. It seems to be implemented in msrpc.sys (and not in the kernel like LPC). Microsoft documented references to ALPC for Event Tracing and for their new Wait Chain Traversal (which seems great).

More on this later.

Monday, 26 March 2007


Here's some comments on a small and nice MP3 player: LG FM20

It got everything I want:
- Usable as a standard usb key *MUST*
- Can get back the music files from the player to the computer *MUST*
- Use standard USB cable *MUST*
- No need to install any software to make it work *MUST*
- FM tuning
- Record: voice (internal mic), line-in (thru custom wire usb -> 1/8" jack, included), FM
- Record as MP3 (96/128/192 user selectable) *MUST* (if recording is supported)
- Long lasting and light lithium battery
- Plays OGG & WAV files
- Includes strange short songs. I really needed those! :)

When you unplug the usb cable, it scan all the files and reconstruct the ID3 database. That's simple and it works great. I hate to use custom software (like iTune or Windows Media Player) to upload my songs. To make it work this way you have to set it to be in MSC mode. You you want to save some space you have to connect to a computer with Windows Media Player 10 (i.e. not W2K3) to remove the funky music included by default and format the device to reclain space. The player include some strange music like "LG Song", kind of Korean pop. I find myself singing "Saya gey yo, Saya gey yo LG!". 1:40 of pure attrocity. I'll try to better understand Asian culture someday.

The player can read the files of both MSC and MTP mode. But you can't access the files from "the other mode" on the computer. That's not a big deal.

The only issue I have is that there is a high pitched tone that is independant of the user volume. It's only audible with good earphones when the sound volume is set to less than half but for the price I'll sustain this.

Update: You can update the player firmware to v2.02 but I haven't seen any difference. I had 1.06 before.

Update 2: In fact, I have seen a difference. The code page has been reset to the default one which is Korean. Fortunately, the 1.06 firmware package on the web site contains all your favorite code page file for the device. Just put the right .TBL in the CONFIG\ folder and you're set.

Monday, 19 March 2007

How to make MP Navigator 3.0 work with a MP800

[Directly skip to the last update section]

This post is a note to me. Skip to conclusion if you don't have a Canon MP800 nor a Creative Live! Cam Voice.

I bought a MP800 8 months ago. One of the main reasons I bought this model was that it supported Windows x64, which at the time was pretty scarce. I have a x64 server which I connected my printer to it so I can print wirelessly with my laptop. It works very well in fact.

I bought the Live! Cam for the same reason: x64 support.

A while ago I started having problems with the included software, MP Navigator 2.0. I mainly use it for scanning photos and negative film. So I looked at the Canon's web site to see if there was an updated version of this software. I found out that there was the 3.0 for the MP810 but it was not available for the MP800.

The way to make the 3.0 version works with MP800 is to copy the mp810.ini to mp800.ini and replace the values in the [Device] section:
Replace 171A to 170D.
Replace 810 to 800.

That's it. There must really have a technical reason to not support the MP800. :)

By the way, the reason the old version stopped working was because I had enabled DEP for every program. It made Canon and Creative software go havoc. I think it is related to a crappy video filter that gets loaded but I couldn't pinpoint which one. I manually disabled DEP for each of their executable and it now works well.

Conclusion: it's a sad thing to have to disable DEP to make consumer-grade software work.

[Update 2007-07-21] It wasn't clear. The file to copy for MP Navigator 3.02 is located at C:\Program Files\Canon\MP Navigator 3.0\Device and there is 2 times 171A and 6 times 810 that needs to be changed.

[Update 2009-11-13] From Canon USA web site, you can grab MP990's version of MP Navigator EX v3.04 and MP800's version of MP Navigator v2.02. Copy C:\Program Files (x86)\Canon\MP Navigator 2.0\Device\mp800.ini to C:\Program Files (x86)\Canon\MP Navigator EX 3.0\Device\mp800.ini . Voilà!
Greetings to Canon folks for not including the file.

Friday, 16 March 2007

Québec has a different culture

Usually I'll refrain from rants but this one was too good to pass by.


Let's face it, Québec's culture is different. Here's a sample that shows it in it's most intricate way:

How to pay your deduction at source (as an employer, which I am) for Federal (Canada) and Provincial (Québec) governments

Federal way

a. Only once: you had to enter your company's number into your bank account invoices list. No big deal here.

1. Calculate how much you retained for federal taxes and IE from your employee's salary for the month. Just retain the whole summation, not indivual numbers.

2. Login into your bank account

3. Write the amount and click "Pay".

Provincial way

a. Only once: you had to register your account on ClicNet (which shouldn't be a problem but it is: you need the serial number of the last taxes-related document that the provincial government sent you)

1. Do the summation of how much you retained for each of those amounts: provincial taxes, RRQ, RQAP and FSS from your employee's salary for the month. You need the individual amounts.

2. Login to ClicNet

3. Follow through eight secured, slow web pages visibly done in ASP.NET by a teenager to enter each separate amounts

4. Specifically ask that you want to pay at your bank's web site, and which bank

5. Finally receive a 19 digits confirmation number after dismissing useless window that pop up. Sometimes the web server goes down so you have to do the whole thing again later.

6. Login into your bank account

7. Enter the 19 digits confirmation number

8. Enter the summation of provincial taxes, RRQ, RQAP and FSS (you hadn't calculated it before) and click "Pay"

The subtility here is that the provincial government wants to know how much you give to each of their internal accounts right now, not at the end of the year. As an employer it's the least of your business but the government wants you to know.

I need to add that the provincial step only needs to be done in Québec province, as I am aware of. Employers based in other province only need to do the payment to the federal government. Also, don't be fooled, the province's bureaucracy is not that bad, well, just sometimes, and the province is actually a great place to live!

Monday, 19 February 2007

Rationale behind UAC

I don't have any "insight" knowledge. Everything written in this post is directly coming from my head. This is what I think is the rationale behind UAC. All terms and acronyms have been explained in previous posts. It is not a pledge to Microsoft's design and implementation; it is simply an analysis of its behaviour and a deduction of the intended solutions.

Why MIC?
MIC permits a separation of access to object, either live or permanent. This comes in two parts.

First, the permanent objects with higher level will be protected from low level process, for a write-only perspective. You may say that it is not secure. It's true, except that it is at least enough secure for the protected audio process. Coupled with dual-token, MIC actually helps security. The reason is that it is an orthogonal layer of protection compared to token's SID. Think of it as a multiplicator for your SID privileges. Why didn't they leverage group SIDs to simply define a group SID for every level and use deny group SID for higher levels on DACL? In a way, it is actually explained this way: the SACL contains an SID with a variable end that is the IL. The only difference between the "variable" SID and defining specific IL group SID is that every higher level would have to be denied, not only setting a "level". MIC's design permits a much higher level of granularity that group SID; 6 levels are currently defined, but there are 0x6000 levels in total. Deny group SID wouldn't scale that well...

The second part is that permanent objects get an intrinsic IL too. This permits the "protection" that is necessary for registry/file system on Vista. The dual-token scheme (explained later) is non-persistent; ILs are. You can view it as a dynamic remapping of your access rights of the resources. On Windows, there's already some generic restriction that is done per-user. In Terminal Services (fast user switching), \??\ is remapped by session but there is no granularity per-process. MIC permits a more granular distinction even for one token with the same group SIDs in it and in the same session.

Why MIC does not cross computer boundary?
MIC can't cross computer boundary since I think SMB/NTLM does not implement it and I think it is not part of the token. (In fact, I'm not sure; it's maybe part of the token, TBV) It is part of the active process.
It's part of objects too, but since the re-created token on the server isn't the same as the client's token, the MIC can't be determined.

MIC can't cross computer boundary for a very simple reason. IL on the token (or active process, whatever) is set for this process and can only be lowered. When you access a remote resource, your token is not duplicated; you are network logged in on the remote computer so your token is actually different. Since there's no IL concept in the login procedure, that IL is inherited and lowered by the parent process, the network logon is always at high IL. Furthermore, network shares are entirely executed in kernel space, and if Process Explorer is right that ILs is a process property and not a token property, there's no MIC concept there either. (I'm not 100% sure about this, it needs verification. I finally think the IL is in fact a token's attribute even if documentation let think that it's a process' attribute.)

Why dual-token?
MIC is not a true security scheme. It is not sufficient alone to really protect from processes running as standard user. This is because it is an inheritance-only scheme. Dual token alone is not sufficient either because a process running as a standard user still have access to other process running as the same user (object ownership is the key here). The same apply to permanents objects too. Dual-token doesn't protect from shatter attacks. So the dual-token helps in having a personality that can be upgraded. It's not possible in MIC. IL can only be lowered, not increased. With dual-token, your level can be increased by gaining access to your original token. This original token is used to do the DACL verification when consent.exe has been executed.

The original token is really the normal token you'd get when UAC is off. The secondary token is a token with many privileges removed and with a Administrator Deny-only SID added. What it means is that if there is a resource that explicitly denies access to administrator, you won't be able to access resource denied to administrators even with your standard user equivalent token. This has been done to make sure administrators continue to be correctly denied resources they were already being denied (user's secrecy, I personally deny access to files for SYSTEM to make AVs stop bothering me, when I'm stuck with an AV, which doesn't happen often).

I talked about remapping in MIC. Well with dual-token, the global \??\ root is actually different for each token, like if they were on a different session. What it means in practice is that if you map a remote drive with the standard version of your token, you won't see it in the administrative version of your token. It's to complete the security of namespace. It will also bother people.

Why dual-token cross computer boundary?
Because of two things. Remember that when you access a network resource, you are actually network logged on. Since a logon is done, UAC still kicks in. UAC kicks in on the server, not on the client. So if UAC is disabled on the server, you will get your normal administrator token. Network logon could have been exempted from this scheme but it wasn't for a good reason. An old trick is the file:////localhost/c$ access (Note: I hate blogger's automatic reformating). If a user can chain thru local share to get back administrative access to the file system, there would be no point to dual token. This is another point where MIC couldn't have handled this alone.

Why UAC?
UAC is mainly the UI to make MIC and dual-token work. It's bothering, and the whole thing mainly done to make ISVs follow the "recommended" behaviour. In fact, this is a good thing; forcing ISV's hand, not bothering users.

Why virtualization?
That's a solution to the previous solutions' problems. Microsoft wanted to make legacy apps run better on Vista at the same time. If they wouldn't use virtualization, users would have been hammered with more popups that you can even imagine. Since virtualization may activates when you are on standard user token, the Admin-only resources look like they're allowed and UAC don't kick in. This behaviour will cause troubles to many people, but I think Microsoft felt obliged to do this because otherwise it would have been unmanageable for users running with the standard user token. Since Microsoft's goal is to force ISVs to make their application well behave in standard user environment, UAC was a must for them and virtualization was an obliged patch.

Note that applications with a correct manifest and x64 executable won't get virtualized. This is to stop virtualization somewhere. So what if virtualization is a problem for your app or you want to stop having virtualization for a specific third-party application? Simply place a correct manifest beside the executable, if the executable doesn't have a manifest already embedded in it. Otherwise, it will simply not work, i.e. you have to update the embedded manifest with some resource editing tool like VS2005. It is the trustInfo section that needs to be added, yes, the section that used to BSOD Windows XP. :)

I'd like to thank an anonymous friend for pointing out some errors before posting, but since he's not confident in what I'm saying, he'll remain anonymous. :)

Sunday, 18 February 2007

Flash on Vista: an example of what will happen often with ActiveX

Adobe engineers did a simple error while implementing their out-of-process COM server. Nothing horrible, nothing that hinders security, it's just slight induced slowness.

When you create a COM server, you try to reuse it when different clients request it. It reduces the number of process start-up. The way it's done is that when the final Release() call is done on your last object, you wait a little before exiting the process just in case someone creates an object of the same type a few seconds later.

But on IE7 on Vista, each time you navigate on web pages that contains Flash objects, the process gets killed and started. There's nothing to do except using IE7 x64 so Flash objects don't load at all. :)

Since Microsoft wants ISVs to (finally) implement security with privilege separation by using different processes, many of them will have to create out-of-process COM server. I hope they'll do their homework.


I must not be too harsh, maybe they did this behaviour for some security reasons unknown to me.

Vista Recommendations

My recommendations are:

- You can't really disable UAC without problems until a nice way to add back the RunAs command exists and running IE7 in protected mode is available.

- Disabling UAC was my main point because there is no way for an administrator to remotely access sensitive resources on the computer otherwise. One thing to note is that the built-in administrator account is exempted by default from UAC (configurable through group policy). So my main recommendation is not to disable UAC, it is instead to enable back the built-in administrator account and set a strong password to it. Since the built-in administrator account is exempted from UAC, you don't get the dual-token scheme and you start at level 4000, but only for this account. You can use this account when you need to do administrative task, and keep running as a standard user the rest of the time. In case of emergency or anytime you want to browse c$, you can now remotely access the machine with this account. Otherwise, you're out of luck. Trust me.
To enable the built-in administrator account, start gpedit.msc, go in Computer Configuration, Windows Settings, Security Settings, Local Policies, Security Options. Set "Accounts: Administrator account status" to enabled. Restart the computer, login with the Administrator account (it will now be shown) and set a strong password. If you don't set a password, you won't have remote administrative access to the computer unless it's part of a domain.

- Disable virtualization. (See previous post) It's more trouble than solution. Do a RunAs instead when needed.

- Learn what is the integrity level stuff and dual token trick

- If you don't care about transparency, set Aero (desktop composition) off. You'll save a heck of memory. It's already automatically disabled in VMs and low-end laptops.

Like Mark Russinovich (A new marketing guy at Microsoft) said, UAC is mainly a temporary measure to make ISVs applications that runs correctly as a standard user. I don't think it'll stay as is more than a few years.

UAC Side effects

I finally started playing with UAC. The exploration has taken more time than I expected. I found out that disabling UAC has many side effects:

- It effectively disables protected IE7. I didn't expect it. In fact, it had to be expected but I think it's should not be the default behaviour. It gets disabled for a simple reason: iexplore.exe gets started at level 3000. When UAC is enabled, it gets a default level of 2000 instead. My observed behaviour is that when UAC is activated and IE7 is started at level 3000 it disables protected mode anyway. So the inner of IE7 disables protected mode because it has been started at level 3000, not because UAC is disabled. I'll have to try it myself one day (do a thunk that lowers the IL to start IE)
- It disables virtualization. It is normal for administrators but I didn't expect it for standard users.
- It renders "Run as admin" shell extension useless. It's the worst side-effect. The funny thing is that the menu item is still there, even when you are running as an administrator! For administrators and standard users, the result is that the process simply starts as if the user simply double-clicked the application. From my point of view this is a regression because the RunAs... is not there anymore. What if I want to start as a restricted user instead? There's no way in the UI.

So what to do? I'm not sure; probably the best bet is to enable back the old RunAs behaviour in Vista by fixing the registry a little bit. To be continued...

Friday, 16 February 2007

Virtualization woes

A problem with virtualization that happens with legacy applications:

You start Explorer, you go in %ProgramFiles%\IDA\cfg to fix some configuration issues in ida.cfg. You double-click on ida.cfg file and edit it in your favorite text editor (let's say Notepad++). You save it. Start IDA. What? Why is the program still having the old behaviour? Did you mistype your last configuration change?


Virtualization kicked in and your file was moved in a directory far far away. In fact, in %HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\IDA\cfg\. The problem was not IDA, it was Notepad++ that got virtualized. So be warned. If IDA had been virtualized too it would not be a problem.

Well at least I would not have noticed. However, imagine that IDA was virtualized. In addition, at first I used Notepad++ to modify the file, which created a virtual copy. Then I used standard Notepad to update it. I would have got an access denied. So I would have used the command "Run as admin". Then I'd get two different modifications from the base and IDA would continue to use the virtualized copy.

That is hypothetical, but it will happen. Just think about the registry virtualization. I hear all the weird problems support desks will face soon...

It should be noted that Microsoft knows this is a problem (1):

Although virtualization allows the overwhelming majority of pre-Windows Vista applications to run, it is a short-term fix and not a long-term solution.

For power users, I recommend disabling virtualization (1). That will reduce the number of surprises. Probably a lot of application will fail though, but only those that already needed administrative privilege anyway. If you were running as a user before, it should not affect you too much.

Watch out when disabling virtualization. If you've installed many programs where virtualization kicked in, you may get into troubles when disabling it. So you should disable it before installing third-party programs on your computer. I've warned you.

As the end note, don't get fooled, virtualization kicks in even when you are running as a standard user!

#1 "Understanding and Configuring User Account Control in Windows Vista"

In you don't want to read the whole document, simply start gpedit.msc, go in Computer Configuration, Windows Settings, Security Settings, Local Policies, Security Options. There you'll see at the end the "User Account Control: ..." settings. (In French, it's "Contrôle de compte d'utilisateur", de isn't there for every settings, the translators didn't verify their translations.)

The tale of associating .pl as an executable on Windows

First, I assume you installed ActivePerl 5.8+ installed. I also assume that you know how to modify safely the Windows Registry.

#1 In HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\.pl
- Don't bother if the key doesn't exist.
- Remove Application value if there is one.

- Remove PerceivedType value if there is one.
- The (Default) value must be Perl.

#3 (x64-ONLY) Now do some verifications just in case. Verify HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Wow6432Node\.pl and make the value is the same than in its corresponding non-Wow6432Node key. Registry key reflection should kick in but if some 32 bits programs made modification to these keys, it could be different. Ahhh virtualization & reflection... :)

At this point, simply typing the name (including extension) of your Perl script will start it. For example, open a command prompt (64 or 32 bits as they should work fine for both) and type the (complete) name of your .pl script! Isn't it magical?


Now the true great trick is there:
If you want to have your .pl files searched through your %PATH% environment variable and to remove the need to type the extension at the same time, fix the %PATHEXT% variable by adding ";.PL" at the end (Or in the position you prefer for extension priority). Restart your command prompt and now you can simply type the name of your Perl script without extension. If you do not know how to modify environment variables, search in the System control panel. Note that this trick is applicable to any extension type that has a shell\open\command subkey. This fact is explained in online help of start (i.e. start /?).

Have fun!


Update: the following describe how to setup by using the cscript way. The problem with this method is that the command line arguments are not sent to the script for an unknown reason. I verified that cscript is indeed receiving the arguments. There must be a bug in ActiveState scripting engine. This section is kept for historical reasons.

#1 In HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\.pl
- Don't bother if the key doesn't exist.
- Remove Application value if there is one.

- Remove PerceivedType value if there is one.
- The (Default) value must be PerlScriptFile. You may want to set the value to "Perl" instead. The difference is how the scripting engine is started. With Perl, c:\perl\bin\perl.exe is started; otherwise, cscript.exe is started and uses the ActiveState perl scripting engine. Why chose one to the other? Well the scripting engine permits you to have a nice property sheet on perl script files. :) I think it starts slightly faster. Maybe I'm just wrong. In theory, it'd add script debugging with VS2005 but for an unknown reason to me it doesn't work. Maybe the free version has been stripped down to remove this functionality. If you do so, step to #6 for the .pl verification only for x64 platforms, otherwise, you are finished but keep reading for second trick.

#3 In HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\PerlScriptFile
- Set a nice description for (Default) value like "Perl Script File". What? You don't care? That's a very important step! :)

#4 In HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\PerlScriptFile\Shell
Rename the Open subkey to OpenW and Open2 subkey to Open. By default, Open starts Wscript and Open2 starts Cscript. We want the reverse.

#5 In HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\PerlScriptFile\Shell\Open\Command
- The (Default)'s value should be 'C:\WINDOWS\SysWow64\CScript.exe "%1" %*'. If it's wscript instead of cscript, you missing step #4.
- Change it to 'C:\WINDOWS\SysWow64\CScript.exe //Nologo "%1" %*'. This removes the copyright notice of cscript at start.

#6 (x64-ONLY) Now do some verifications just in case. Verify HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Wow6432Node\.pl and HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Wow6432Node\PerlScriptFile\Shell\Open\Command and make the value are the same than in their corresponding non-Wow6432Node key. Registry key reflection should kick in but if some 32 bits programs made modification to these keys, it could be different. Ahhh virtualization & reflection... :)

Thursday, 15 February 2007

Using nVidia tools to rotate monitors easily

Great for wide-screen monitor when switching often to work in portrait and watch movies in landscape.

So here are my shortcut on my desktop (I have 2 monitors):
"Rotate 0° Monitor #1" = %windir%\system32\rundll32.exe nvcpl.dll,dtcfg rotate 1 0
"Rotate 90° Monitor #1" = %windir%\system32\rundll32.exe nvcpl.dll,dtcfg rotate 1 90
"Rotate 0° Monitor #2" = %windir%\system32\rundll32.exe nvcpl.dll,dtcfg rotate 2 0
"Rotate 90° Monitor #2" = %windir%\system32\rundll32.exe nvcpl.dll,dtcfg rotate 2 90

Anyway, you see the deal. Beside the rotate command, setgamma command is nice too (1). Personally, I use an old tool of NEC (2) (even if I now own Dell LCDs) but you cannot set different value for each monitor with this tool. If those method aren't precise enough, you can always resort to SetDeviceGammaRamp() function (3). Beware that trying to invert the colors or doing nasty thing like setting all colors to black won't work. I think the checks are that the colors must increase steadily and that the maximum color must be at least 75% but I am not sure.

At the same time I recommend to remove the nv* stuff in your registry HKLM\...\Run key.

Update June 9th, 20008. This trick doesn't work on Vista, the dll does a printf with "Error: API not supported on this version of Windows.". That's really sad.

Dual tokens: how to complexify a little more the security on Vista

On top of MIC (see previous post), there's the dual token scheme. Roughly, when you logon on Vista as an admin, your shell gets a standard user token and to access the normal admin token, a confirmation through secured desktop is necessary. At Microsoft, they call it Admin Approval Mode (AAM). The user interface calls it UAC. That's independent of MIC, which is a "local-only" technology in contrast to AAM which also impact your token on the network. The important part is that (1):

When authenticating to remote resources:
•If system is non-domain joined, user authenticates as standard user
•If domain-joined and an administrator of the remote resource, user authenticates as administrator

It killed me previously and will kill many home users because:
1. If you computer dies, you have no remote access to it unless RDP works, and RDP is disabled in Home Editions (2).
2. Shares need to be explicit to users and not just administrators.

I see the reason behind this; it is to protect from attacks that redirect to \\localhost\c$\. It creates a problem though; when you are unable to access your computer, let's say a filter driver that didn't uninstall correctly screwed your keyboard, like in the good old SoftIce days, you need some expensive recovery tools like ERD because you CAN'T use remote registry anymore. Well you can still use Safe Mode but I like to remotely fix dead computers. In addition, sharing is now a little more complex to set correctly.

Therefore, the only way to recover from this problem is to disable UAC and use a standard account, like everyone in the security field always recommended to. Adding to the fact that they improved the RunAs command in the shell, it shouldn't be a problem at all to run as a standard user.

#1 "Windows Vista User Account Control Internals", Mark Russinovich, powerpoint, page 46

#2 Windows Vista Product Editions

Process Tree manipulation

The AppInfo service, which starts consent.exe, use a trick to fake the children process tree when calling CreateProcessAsUser() to make look like the creating process did indeed create the child process, which is false (1). That's well... "non-standard". I don't think that faking the process tree is the way to go, even for "user-friendliness".

So now the only thing we need to know is: How? :)

#1 "Windows Vista User Account Control Internals", Mark Russinovich
The information is embeded in Mark's video around minute 37.


It seems they pulled the plug of this presentation.

MIC : what they forgot to tell you

The Mandatory Integrity Control (which is implemented with Integrity Levels) is defined with 6 levels. The majority of the documentation only talks about 3 or 4 levels. At least, they are defined in winnt.h (1).

The "0" level is nice since it adds another blockage on anonymous tokens (furthermore that anonymous has been removed from everyone group in XP). The first place I heard about level 5000 is about an "installer" level (I've lost the reference). However, searching again I found true documentation about it (2). At least there, they tell upfront that it's about a protected process so it's most certainly used to implement Protected User Mode Audio (Protected Media Path or PMP).

Notice that in Process Explorer on Vista they never mention level 5000 (And they obfuscate the level with names, it's even worse on French Vista : "Niveau obligataire moyen" What?!? "3000" Ah now I understand! :) Since Process Explorer's author (Mark Russinovich) is now part of Microsoft, don't count on him anymore to reveal this kind of nice information. I think that protected processes are implemented as level 5000 is because it's an inherent ability given by MIC. Also, it is explicited that only "kernel mode CreateProcess()" can create a 5000-level process. (1) So talking about an "installer" mode is smoke. In Microsoft's document about protected processes, they tell the ISVs to forget about it (3):

Any application can attempt to create a protected process. However, due to the restrictions of running inside a protected process, the operating system requires that these processes be specially signed
Therefore, ISVs can't create protected processes that could touch the DRM audio process.

An underdocumented fact about MIC is that it's effective by default for "No-Write-Up"; it blocks write access but not read access to higher ILs. This is documented in Mark's presentation (4) at page 32. The other behaviors that can be configured through policies are No-Read-Up and No-Execute-Up. Look at the page 39 of Mark's presentation (4) to learn about the interactions of processes with different ILs.

Assuming that protected processes run at level 5000, I think that it is running with a No-Execute-Up policy. That implies that policies can change between different ILs? On the other hand, it is hardcoded only for level 5000? Who knows?

The values are stored in the SACL with a special SID to signal that it is not really an SACL entry. My first question is: how the IL propagates through containers? The icacls tool (6) has an interesting comment in its help: "Inheritance options for the integrity ACE may precede the level and are applied only to directories." Humm interesting, so the container's IL may precede the object's IL? Needs to be tested.

Finally for those who didn't know yet, the default integrity levels of objects without a specific integrity level is 3000. It is done to save space in the SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR and to implement a default security layer around objects from evil low-IL processes.

The conclusion is that there is a nebula around MIC and that the documentation is greatly deficient. I hoped that Microsoft would stop doing security by obfuscation but for MIC that's still the case.


#1 Winnt.h definitions concerning MIC
#define SECURITY_MANDATORY_LOW_RID (0x00001000L)
// SECURITY_MANDATORY_MAXIMUM_USER_RID is the highest RID that can be set by a usermode caller.

#2 Well-known SIDs

#3 Protected Processes (on Windows Vista)
Note: to people that had the chance to read a previous version of this document around 2006 summer can remark that the rights are slightly different in Vista's RTM.

#4 "Windows Vista User Account Control Internals", Mark Russinovich
Direct link to the powerpoint: http://microsofttech.fr.edgesuite.net/msexp/download/0370/0370_pres.zip
He is clear about a fact: Elevation is not a security boundary. But he had "the front" (place the right translation of "culot" in French) to say "There is 4 integrity levels", that's simply not true.

#5 "Windows Vista System Integrity Technologies", Steve Riley

#6 I recommend looking at the online help of those tools: icacls, accesschk, whoami.

Keywords: 100 200 300 400 500 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000

(Side note: the Blogger's HTML editor need to be redesigned, it's inefficient. Furthermore a 680x240 editor looks rather small on a 1200x1920 screen :( Blogger web site designers have some homeworks to do!)

Technical blog

This blog will contains some of the stuff I always wanted to put on a web site but that I never had/took the time to. I'd wanted to use a wiki so others can fix the blatant error I often make but I couldn't find any wiki web site that I liked. Therefore, I choose to be a little despot on my own island. :)

Be warned that I will often update the blog's entries to correct errors or add observations. On 7 entries so far I already did at least a dozen updates. Since Google does not indexed it yet, nobody will notice. :)


My first blog dates back from 1999 when I made a CGI script that generated an html file by parsing a text file. At least at the time, there was no hype about it and I quickly found that it was useless. ;)

I hope my second attempt eight years later be worth the trouble for the readers.


Syntactic and orthographic errors will happen since
- English is not my native language,
- The blog is about technology, so the content is more important and the container,
- Blogger's web editor doesn't have any spell checker.

I'll try to maintain an acceptable written level though.